The Hybrid Mega Yurt - Part II
Kategori: Construction, Greece, Travel
Before I left Greece in May, we'd been in a building frenzy. I will now do a recap for what transpired in those late spring days - a follow up on part I of The Hybrid Mega Yurt.
Where we left off last time, we had managed to turn our dirt patch into a field of poles. So far all good.
A new morning meeting of minds was now required again, in order to work out the fine details of the next step. Lines and numbers were sketched upon paper, in different colours and sizes to clarify different versions.
Soon all were content, and the cutting of pieces followed.
The ceremonial carrying and juggling of the pieces.
In accordance with the lines, the pieces were screwed unto the poles, and bars were cut in similar lengths as the numbers.
The IKEA-team is let loose on a tree growing too close to the building site.
Next the bars are fastened unto the fortified poles.
The following day we divided into two teams; the Net-team was responsible for adding a metal net on top of the bars. This turned out to be a somewhat tricky venture, since we had to not walk on the unexisting, but perceivable, floor.
The other team, lets call them Team Working-In-The-Shade-With-Coffee-And-Watermelons, they made a wooden circle...
We also reinvented Jenka.
Metal net done, now we clad the area with fabric and a new set of beams. Although looking safer, there was now a three level increase in required ninja skills for not wrecking our work or yourself.
Level seperation complete! And some nice shade in addition.
Hay arrives!
After having added an in-layer of smaller beams into the last layer, in order to create rectangular pockets, we filled these with above mentioned hay. Using hay as insulation is, as of yet, untested in our previous structures, and is therefore now tested, at the Test Site.
And successively the floor comes into being, as the boards are nailed fast.
I'll end this second part of the construction of the hybrid mega yurt here. But promise to return with part three, before I'll post part four.