The Energy Mastercourse - The Last Days
Kategori: Education, Greece, Sustainability, Travel
Last week the ten days Energy Mastercourse came to its end. Over the days that followed the participants and organizers left, car by car, person by person. Leaving the project, and people in it, with their wisdom, love and inspiration.
A workshop of this magnitude carries a lot of learnings with it. From the theoretical and practical - where we learned of the function of off grid system and solar panels, how they worked and what they saved, how to connect them to a battery bank, about charge controllers and inverters, to consumption needs and saving possibilities, and then to actually install them and connect them to our existing grid.
Beside the solar panels there were also installed a solar air heater system to our biggest yurt. And with help from Christos welding course and expertize, a rocket heater was built, containing a coiled copper pipe around the core inside the metal cylinder, it can heat up water for winter showers and washing, as well as heat up the room - it is now added to our bathroom.
Also, the solar sound system was ready. And at the last day it was prepared for the last day party, which also coincided with the Greek vegan easter festivities. Vegan gyros, organic beer, local wine and your thirteen nationalities strong mix of Energy Mastercourse participants were gathered around the table to celebrate.
After the food Apostolos started up the first DJ-session with the Free&Real theme song - a six hour long deathcore hardpsy-trance mix.
After the food Apostolos started up the first DJ-session with the Free&Real theme song - a six hour long deathcore hardpsy-trance mix.
Meanwhile at the beach. A group finds solace before the setting sun. And as the blazing ball falls lower toward the mountain range, the silence creeps over the gathered. Soon all voices have faltered, and for many deep breaths, we watched the world turn away from it.
Another part of a workshop of this kind, is the people in it. Ten days of living and doing together carries a lot with it; of learning, of connecting, of sharing, of understanding, with and from others and yourself. It gives you that so important insight that this world is full of marvellous people!
And so night falls. The days that were at hand, are not so any more. And stories of the near and far past gets told around the fireplace.