Ye olde battered sea chest
For days the rain has sternly whipped the tin roof, and the wind ripped the last towels from our clotheslines. But this morning we got a break from the elemental torrents.
Me and Spiros ventured out, to the backside of the house. And amongst the somewhat damp wooden boards that the foul weather had left behind, we managed to salvage enough pieces to put together Ye Olde Battered Sea Chest of Octomber Storms, suitable for dining plates and for putting things on top of.
Me and Spiros ventured out, to the backside of the house. And amongst the somewhat damp wooden boards that the foul weather had left behind, we managed to salvage enough pieces to put together Ye Olde Battered Sea Chest of Octomber Storms, suitable for dining plates and for putting things on top of.